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Mobile Design Observatory, Artist
Chandos Primary School, Sjolander da Cruz Architects and MADE (Midlands Architecture and the Designed Environment), 2007
The purpose of this project was to work with a Year 6 and architect Marco De Cruz to develop design ideas for a mobile Design Observatory for MADE’s new Learning Base and exhibition space. My role was to facilitate a creative consultation process between all partners. Alongside Marco I devised a series of practical and critical activities that generated creative thinking and art work exploring volume, form, texture, materials and storage features. Marco took this research as the starting point for his design process for the Design Observatory.
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Inventing a Tradition, Artist
Whipton Barton Junior School and Spacex, Exeter, 2005
During this 3 day residency I worked with a group of eight Year 5 children to research Jeremy Dellar’s Folk Archive, at Spacex Gallery and make work in response to their investigations in school. My aim was to view the school culture through the children's eyes whilst exploring how communities evolve ceremonies, traditions, beliefs and identities. The children were challenged to reflect on the exchanges, games, habits and rituals that they normally initiate outside of adult intervention. They then developed their observations as ceremonies, which they performed and carefully documented. Throughout the residency I introduced my own art work in order to open up further discussion and art making.
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